About My Website

My Mission:
To share my knowledge, my experience, and my heart to help optimize the quality of life for people in their final years.
To provide information and guidance to help reduce the anxiety inherent in facing the unknown.
To enable my clients to conserve and prioritize energy so they may spend their time with people they choose and in ways that bring them meaning and joy.
Time is a precious commodity that we, like the air we breathe, take for granted until we recognize how rapidly it can slip away. Quality of life is never more important than when we, or people we love, enter their final years. This is the time to take stock of just how we choose to spend those years. Quality of life is an attitude as well as a choice.
I am offering guidance toward improved quality of life for people in their later years. This is based on my many years of experience as a hospice nurse. In providing support and information for my patients and their families, the most frequent comment I have received is: "I wish we had known this a long time ago". This information is valuable long before it is time for hospice care.
What I teach makes perfect sense once you have an understanding of aging and dying as a process of diminishing energies coupled with the body's natural tendency to conserve and prioritize those energies. My teachings, however, do require that my clients be willing to make adaptations based on realistic expectations and goals.
It is my belief that quality of life can be greatly enhanced by working towards two broad goals: conserving energy and reducing anxiety. Decreased physical energy is a natural result of aging; however, energy can be conserved in a multitude of ways:
controlling pain and other physical symptoms, modifying the home environment and social adaptation can help minimize needless draining of limited energy resources. The remedies for worries and anxieties are information and decision making.
Facing the final weeks and months of life can be frightening. Knowing what to expect and understanding this natural process can greatly reduce the anxieties inherent in facing the unknown. The best time to learn navigation is not in the middle of a storm. I can help you prepare for the predictable changes and teach you how to maintain comfort and dignity throughout this time. I can help you find comfort and reassurance in the middle of this storm.
The special needs and concerns of children dealing with loss or impending loss are near and dear to my heart. Adults feel helpless when facing a grieving child. There are, however, special ways adults can help children feel included and supported at such times.